The concept behind “Finite Perfection” explores the merging of Ancient Greek and Utilitarian aesthetics. Ancient Greek sculptors aimed to create the ‘perfect’ vision of the human form within marble. Aesthetic forms and the ideal human body were at the heart of the contradiction of realism and transcendence within greek art and thought. These ideas of perfection are desired within contemporary society despite the finite nature of perfection; as seen through the crumbling ancient Greek sculptures. The views of utilitarian aesthetics instead look to practicality instead of aesthetics. Within my designs, I wish to merge the aesthetics of ancient Greek sculpture and practical sensibility. Through which the finite nature of perfection is embraced, and practicality is brought within a luxury space.

'Finite Perfection' cover art

'Finite Perfection' collection illustration front

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 01

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 02

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 03

'Finite Perfection' ink illustration

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 04

'Finite Perfection' illustration styling

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 05

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 06

'Finite Perfection' collection illustration back

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 07

'Finite Perfection' campaign image 08